Sunday, October 22, 2006

Table Gaming in WV

Penn National is expecting a drop in revenue next month at Charles Town Races and Slots. The cause? Slots opening up in Pennsylvania. 14 percent of CTR&S's customers are from the Quaker State. Officials want West Virginia to pass a Table Gaming law which would allow counties containing a Race Track to vote as to whether the facilities could provide table gaming.

I would think that Jefferson County would want table gaming at CTR&S to maintain jobs and bring in new jobs. I think that the state of West Virginia would want the jobs and the new business table gaming would bring considering that the Governor changed the state advertising slogan from "Wild and Wonderful" to "Open for Business". It would be a shame if a state that was "Open for Business" to lose a lot of jobs.

Mentioned in the article specifically were the table games blackjack, craps, roulette, and POKER. I want to live 20 minutes from a Poker Room. So, if you live in West Virginia find out which candidates support table gaming and vote accordingly.

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!


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