Friday, May 18, 2007

Poker TV and A Message to Anonymous

Hello, it's me. My new job gives me, among other things, time to catch poker on TV at odd times. In the past few days, I have seen the US Poker Championship, 2004 and the first half of the Chicago stop of the Heartland Poker Tour. In a way I liked the Heartland Poker Tour because there were no big names and the production was relatively low tech. The one thing I did not like about the HPT was the announcers. They were so bad I have a mental block on their names.

Neither came across as extremely knowledgeable. And they were mispronouncing players names and revelling in the fact that they could not pronounce the names. Note to HPT - get some new announcers.

To Anonymous:

I am not sorry I do not put up your comments. Maybe if they were:
a) Coherent
b) Spelled Correctly
c) In some stretch of the imagination, on topic
I might consider allowing them to be posted. Remember, I'm just a simple hillbilly, so alien conspiracy theories are beyond me.

Everyone else: Enjoy the Pokery Goodness

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Friday, May 04, 2007

I Finally Got A Job!!!!!!!!!!

It is not my first choice (or second, or third, or fourth), but I finally found a job. I am not sure if I can tell you where, but here is a hint or two. "Oh Thank Heaven", and retail store with a gas pump out front. I think you know what that is. I am the newest Assistant Manager. And I am way over-qualified for this job.

Many years ago I managed a bookstore. And if I may say so, I managed it well. From there I worked on a corporate IT help desk, then for a Credit Card Network 24-hour Merchant help desk. At that company, I started doing what I had been to college to learn - develop software and reports.

So, yeah, my new job is way below where I want it to be monetarily, but at least at this point there is money coming in.

Since I will not be using most of my time trying to find work, I will actually have some time to play poker. Watch out UB and FTP.

West Virginia Table Gaming non-update:

No breaking headlines here. The vote for the individual Counties comes up on June 9th, 2007. The table gaming industry and the pro-gaming forces are pushing how much the County will get in revenue, and that about 1.5 million will go to the County School Board.

The anti-gaming forces do not want even more gambling in the area. The most vocal seem to be using the argument that it is immoral and that the cost to the community and the State will be too great.

Gee, I wonder how I would vote if I lived a mile down the road in the next County?

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

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