Friday, December 31, 2010

Double Time

There have been a lot of poker bloggers who have been blogging longer than me.  Most of them actually post more frequently than I do.  And it is easy to say that most also have more poker content than this miserable blog.

So I give you doubleas, a blog that has been around longer, posts more frequently, and has more poker content than I do.

Go.  Read.  Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Call of the Wildcat

There is a fine balance between Sports Betting and Poker.  This blogger seems to have achieved that balance.  Other than the occasional office football pool, I have never been one for the Sports Bet.  Poker on the other hand has a strong grip on my attention. 

Go read and Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

Yes I know it's another UK Blog... what are the odds...

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Bad Beat on the Feet

Amateur is (of course) another UK blogger.  But unlike other UK bloggers, he recently had a bad beat while training for a half-marathon.  During a run he developed several huge blisters on his feet requiring time off from running.  Go read and sympathize.  Then enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Poker Play the Soap Way?

I am not exactly sure what the "Soap Way" is.  Blogging the soap way seems to be about hand histories of bad beats, and listing of Sports Betting results.  If that is your thing, go read, then come back and read more crappy stuff here.

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Poker Pro's Blog

Eric Lynch, to say the least has been very successful playing poker online.  And he isn't too shabby playing live either.  So go check out his blog.  See what he is up too.  Enjoy the "low key" poker lifestyle that oozes from your computer screen.

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mark Your Calendars!

They have announced the dates for the 2011 WSOP, but have not yet made up the schedule.  There is a rule change this year where they will be capping a day's play at 10 levels no matter how many are left in the field.  That should help some people from getting over tired.

Read more here!

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

British (Poker)Idol

Chris Edwards from Reading, UK has a pretty nice blog.  He works for PokerIdol and occasionally plays too.  OK, I am really pimping the UK blogs lately.  Sue me.  I will get back to some in the US soon.  But poker is now world-wide so it is smart to try and keep up with the latest anywhere you can find it.  Go read "The Beginning"!

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Poker and Congress

This guy is following the plight of online poker in Congress much more closely than I am.  Go read about what happened to the Reid Bill and what may happen next. 

At this point, I don't play poker for an income.  I play poker for fun.  Mostly I play for the "play chips" and occasionally use money.  This would not be an option for me if there weren't online poker.  Yes, they offer play chips to point you in the direction of using real money at their sites.  I just ignore all the adds for real money tournaments that show up.

My hope is that the Congress will come around soon and offer legislation (which can pass) that will regulate online poker nationwide.  I do not trust that the Several States can accomplish that on their own.  I don't want online poker to be a patchwork.

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Holden on Hold'em

Steve Holden is yet one more UK blogger.  He hails from Blackpool, where he blogs about playing in live tournaments.  If you like that kind of thing, go read his blog.  If not, go and...

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness.

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Question for WPBT'ers about Hollywood Casino

If and when Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races decides to add tournament play to their new "poker room", would there be any interest in having a WPBT event there?  I know you can't go casino hopping like you do in Vegas, but they do have a nice facility. Besides Poker, they offer horse racing, Pai Gow, other table games, as well as over 5000 slots. (Yes there are several strip bars within driving/cab/limo distance so those of you who need that kind of entertainment can indulge.)

Let me know if there is any interest.

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Quitting Online Poker????

Not me!  (A huge sigh of relief is heard from all the sharks)  A few months ago online poker was renounced by the poster of this blog.  Of course it wasn't permanent.  Even if they don't play online, that is no excuse for not posting!  Keep 'em coming!

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Very Nice Blog

Very Josie is a blog by, you guessed it, Josie.  Josie just got back and is posting about the recent WPBT Winter Classic.  I have a feeling I need to read this blog regularly.

And as an added bonus, she runs a regular tournament on FTP on the first Wednesday of every month.  I haven't played in it yet, but who knows, I have a couple of bucks in my account...

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Horse Racing and Poker

OK, I like the Poker, the horse racing doesn't interest me so much.  I hope this UK blogger returns to listing his monthly awards.  Maybe if you all go to his blog and leave a comment, he will.

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Poker and Life

"iam23skidoo" is a blog I can identify with, he has kids, I have kids.  He has lost weight, I have lost weight.  He is a good poker player... well there the comparison does not match.  Go read his blog. 

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

G - Another Pro Blogs

Tony G has made a pretty good living playing poker by most accounts.  My poker skills are so poor that he wouldn't bother berating me.  Go read what is on his mind today.

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

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Thursday, December 09, 2010

Not in Vegas, Baby!

As a courtesy to the WPBT members either currently in or headed to the annual WPBT Winter Classic in Vegas (details here, here and here), I will attempt to give my non-trip reports.  This will, I think, provide a good contrast to the goings-on in that shiny city in the west.

Thursday the 9th:  I am not getting on an airplane to Las Vegas.  I do not have reservations to any of the mega-hotel/resort/casinos there.  I picked up my daughter from 4th grade Math Field Day practice and brought both of the "little" _ones home for snacks and homework before meeting Mrs. _one for the Christmas Band Concert at the school where she teaches. We thoroughly enjoyed the music then made our way home for dinner and finishing up homework.

You will not find me at the Geisha Bar at IP with the poker bloggers who made it in early today.  Well at least there is no chance of any of them calling for a dial-a-shot, as none of them know my number.  Safe again.

Sometimes I miss the days in 2004 before the first WPBT Winter Classic.  The poker blogger community was a lot smaller, and a lot more unified in some ways.  But as time went on, the community fractured and stratified.  I am one of those that was left behind.  I did not post often enough, with enough content, or with enough editing for some people's taste.  That is OK by me.  I never wanted to be recognized as a good writer.  I just wanted to be a part of the community.  It was just fun reading and commenting.

Ehhhh!  What the hell was that?

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness (in Vegas or where ever you are)!

PS:  If you must dial-a-shot, and everyone else in the poker universe is unavailable, call me and I will fulfill my duty.

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Team Blog

This blog is a team effort.  Although as with most team blogs one member seems to carry the weight.  Go read and see for yourself.

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

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Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Hand To Hand Combat

Who can argue with a gun, some cards and an asteroid at the top of a blog.  Hopefully this guy from the UK will post more often. 

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

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Sunday, December 05, 2010

Utter Rubbish!

UK blogs abound! No way I am going to trash this guy.  Go read "Rubbish@Poker".  Find out if he is running good or if he is in the dustbin.

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

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Saturday, December 04, 2010

Not Blog-Pimpage or Book Review - Actual Poker Content!

Over the last week, a couple of interesting poker-related things happened.  I played a hand in a tournament that put a player severely on tilt.  The other is that I am in the middle of FTP's Rush Week.

I really don't want to bore you with all the details, but I feel compelled to give you most of them.

The set-up for the tilting hand:
I was playing in a $250 freeroll at FTP.  These are donkfests at least through the first hour or so.  I was moved to a table sometime during the last half of the first hour needing a lot of chips to get up to even.  I landed in chip heaven.  Of the 8 other players, six were sitting out.  I played a little standard poker until I go a feel for the other two players.  Player A had me out chipped about 10 to 1 and Player B (henceforth known as Bad Guy) had me out chipped about 5 to one.  Even the players sitting out had more chips than me.

About this time the deck hits me pretty well, and I double up a few times.  I notice that Player A is playing very weak-tight (my guess is that he got a lot a chips early and was sitting for the most part).  Bad Guy was playing almost every hand, but checked a lot.

I decided to start playing into Bad Guy and just run over Player A.  During the course of the next 15 or so hands, I busted out Player A, and severely crippled Bad Guy.  At this point I have about 16k in chips and Bad Guy has almost 4k.  One of the short stacks is all-in in the big blind.  Bad Guy calls and I raise with KhJh in the big blind.  Bad guy calls.

The flop comes Ad-Tc-2c.  The way Bad Guy had been playing, if he hit the flop or had a flush or straight draw he would have raised.  Bad Guy checks and I check.  The turn comes up 9c and Bad guy checks again.  Bad guy could have been slow playing a flush at this point so I was being careful.

The river comes with 3c making it four cards to a club flush.  At this point Bad Guy puts in a very small value bet.  I know he has a flush.  But I know if he had the Ac he would have bet on the flop.  So, I can either fold, call or raise.  If I fold, he will run all over me even though he has fewer chips.  If I call, he beats me with his "less-than-nut" flush.  Or I could choose C and raise,  knowing that he will lay down his "less-than-nut" hand to a big bet and that my cards will be seen because of the all-in sitting out player, I bet about 125% of the pot.  Bad Guy folds, my cards are shown, I scoop the pot from the all-in players K4o.  Then the fun began.

At this point I get no cards unfortunately.  In the middle of the next hand Bad Guy says in the chat box, "I'm gonna rape your face if i can find your address."  Excuse me?  Bad Guy gets this worked up over having to fold a hand in a freeroll?  Unfortunately I was not able to capitalize on his tilt as the table broke up after a few more hands.

I did not go on to even make the money in the freeroll, but I outlasted about 93%.  Bad Guy went out shortly after folding to my bluff.

Note to any at FTP:  Bad Guy's comments crossed a line.  In some jurisdictions it could even be considered assault.  If you wish to sanction him, I will give you the details.  And please keep your database secure as I don't want him showing up at my house and doing bad things to my right ear.)


I am playing in FTP's Rush Week.  I like Rush Poker.  And so far I am a winning player on the micro-limits.  Not much of a winning player or else the free $10 for playing about 10 hours of poker seems like a good deal.  (I have to accumulate 10 FTP points a day for 7 straight days.)  So far so good.

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

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Friday, December 03, 2010

Tilt? I Don't Think So...

"Tilt Tilt Tilt Reload Tilt Tilt" is the name of today's featured blog.  Although if he is on tilt and winning as much as he blogs about, I want to play on tilt too.  Go Read, then come back.

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness.

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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Blog About Poker

This blogger recently got married.  It will be interesting to see how this affects his play.  His profile says he started playing 18 months ago.  Probably longer at this point.  Go see how is results are in low buy-in mmt's.

Enjoy the Pokery Goodness!

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