Thursday, April 28, 2005

Overdue Pimping

Yes, I have been negligent in my duty to my fellow bloggers (that is if any would wish to be mentioned in the same breathe as me). So here then is one of the blogs I have been reading lately. Check them out if you want, it couldn't hurt. The good thing is that they actually mention pokery goodness from time to time (Sorry Dan, I had to do it ;-})

Pokerati - Dan heads a "crew" of many assorted, unique, too-numerous-to-mention-by-name buddies. Most of them are "journalists". All play poker. Mostly in and around the various underground cardhouses of Dallas and Austin, Texas. They usually post newstories (Some even their own) about what they call the "War on Poker". Read this blog for news on the fight to legalize poker mixed in with some (usually) good-natured in-fighting.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Well so much for posting on a regular basis, much less, so much for posting pokery goodness. I would like to have a more regular schedule for posting, but right now the family life and work are kicking my butt.

I will be contacting my state legislators in the coming weeks and months to urge them to pass the Table Gaming Bill. I suggest that any of my readers (the two or three that still check the site) to contact their State Delegate or State Senator and let them know you would like to play poker in the Mountain State.

If you are not sure who your delegate or senator is and/or how to contact them, either leave a comment for me or send me an email.

I have been neglecting WPBT lately. I am sorry I have not pimped or played in the tournaments lately, but family responsibilities and finances have prevented it.

I should have a post in the next few days (I am not holding my breath) which will contain some actual poker content. I am also planning to update my blog listing here.

See ya in a few!

Monday, April 11, 2005


There were no last minute heroics in the West Virginia Legislature during the closing days of the regular session this year. Despite the fact that the Table Gaming Bill (S.B. 442) passed the Senate more than two weeks ago, the House declined to act on it. This is farther than the bill got in last year's regular session.

House Speaker Kiss (D-Raleigh Co.) says that they may consider the legislation in during a special session in September. I certainly hope so. Not only would it make live play possible for me in the near future, it would also bring in an extra 200-300 million dollars in revenue to the state. Not to mention increase businesses and service because of the extra tourists.

For those of you who do not know what this bill will do, it will:
Make Table Gaming (Craps, BlackJack, Roulette, Poker, etc.) legal at the State's four existing race tracks. Under the existing bill, the residents of a county containing one of the race tracks would have to vote in favor of table gaming. I think that Jefferson County, home of Charles Town Races and Slots (3800 Slots - more than any one place in the US including Vegas) would vote for Table Gaming. The citizens, in my opinion, would vote for because they have seen the benefits to the local economy that slots brought.

Oh well, this just means I will have more time to hone my meager poker skills. Who knows, maybe I will find time in the next week or so to actually play some more online.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Don't Be Shy

I found out in the last couple of days, that I have not been as out going as I should be. This does not come as a surprise to me. I have known I have been asocial (no not a$$holecial) since I was in my teens. I have learned to get comfortable with it and use it to my advantage in certain situations, poker being one of them. People sometimes tend to be intimidated by silence. I am normally very comfortable with it (much to the chagrin of Mrs. _one).

I guess what I am trying to say is, I finally used Yahoo Messenger for the third time this evening. Even more importantly, the first time with a blogger. I have no idea how the conversation looked on the other end, but I found it very strange, and surprisingly fun.

So, don't be as much of a stranger as I have been. I am online 4 to 5 nights a week between about 11pm and 12:30am. IM me at Yahoo - mortal_one1 and I will type something.

IM somebody today, you will be glad you did!

Maybe Later for Table Gaming

The West Virginia Legislature, more specifically the House of Delegates Judiciary and Finance Committees, have decide not to let the Table Gaming bill out of committee. The Senate past the bill almost a week and a half ago. The Speaker of the House, Delegate Kiss (hehe) says they may take up the bill when they meet in a planned special session in September. Oh well.
I am very disappointed, but life will go on.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

WV Table Gaming (Poker) Bill Update

Yeah, I know I haven't posted lately. Here is an update on the Table Gaming bill in the WV Legislature.Part of an editorial in the Charleston Gazette

April 05, 2005

Legislature: Time running out

ONLY five days remain in the Legislature’s session, and several important measures are still in limbo...

...Commendably, the Senate passed a bill to let county voters decide whether racetracks can add casino-style table games (SB442), but it’s languishing in the House Judiciary and Finance committees. This step would add nearly 2,000 more local jobs and bring more tourists, helping the economy.

The latter bill naturally draws fire from fundamentalist groups who consider gambling immoral, but we prefer to see it as purely an economic issue, as follows:

In the last fiscal year, the state government’s largest revenue source was the state personal income tax, which generated $1.07 billion. Second-largest was the 6 percent sales tax, which produced $958 million. Third-largest was — you guessed it — the state lottery, generating $483 million. This is a huge benefit to the Mountain State.

In addition to state revenue, the gaming industry already provides 4,600 West Virginia jobs — and this number is projected to grow to 6,500 if table games are approved. The state’s racetracks draw 5 million out-of-state visitors annually, and their tourist spending boosts the local economy.

Seen economically, table games would be a healthy shot in the arm. So we hope local-option elections are approved.

But time is running out for this and other desirable bills. If they don’t emerge from committees soon, they may lack enough time for the three daily readings required for passage. Even if lawmakers suspend rules and vote for immediate passage, some beneficial bills could be lost in the last-minute chaos...

...In this rush-rush last week of the session, wise and sensible action is needed.

I have emailed my Delegate on the Judiciary Committee (and will do so again tomorrow). I am a registered voter in his party so maybe he will even read it.

I still think it would be sweet to have the WV-WPBT here.